
Historical column matching intelligence

We’ve improved our automatic column matching so that your user’s upload columns will now more often be automatically mapped to template columns during the Map Column pane. In addition to mapping columns that have exact column names, OneSchema will also remember historical mappings that your users may have successfully imported in the past.

There are two types of history-based mapping: user-level and org-level.

In user-level history mapping, we look for the most recent time the user mapped a column of the same name (to a template field in the same template).

In org-level history mapping, we look at all users who have previously mapped a column of the same name (to a template field in the same template). If we find a match in the user-level history, we use it. If not, we look at org-level history.


Developer note

You must set a user_id in your JWT tokens in order for OneSchema to connect a user to their historical mappings. Without this, user-level historical mappings will not be available for your users.