[Deprecated] Per-Customer Overrides



Please use Per-Customer Overrides V2 which provide additional functionality instead

Why use Customization and Template Overrides

Customizations and Templates determine the behavior of OneSchema importers. Using overrides can allow specific behavior for individual importing sessions.

Template Overrides

When to override

  • Adjusting template column behavior on a per-customer basis (eg. picklist options).

If you are using our SDK to initialize your importer, pass in templateOverrides as part of the OneSchemaLaunchParams.

If you are using the API, pass in template_overrides to the create embedded session endpoint.

The format for templateOverrides is OneSchemaTemplateOverrides documented below.


columnsOneSchemaTemplateColumn[]Array of column level overrides


keystringUnique key identifier for a given template column
labelstringDisplay label of the template column for end users
data_typestringData type for the template column (eg. "PICKLIST" or "NUMBER")
validation_optionsObjectAdditional validation properties on top of specific data types (eg. values for picklists or only_int for numbers)
descriptionstringDescription displayed to end user
is_custombooleanWhether the template column should act as a Custom Column
is_requiredbooleanCells in this column cannot have blank values.
is_uniquebooleanAll values in the column must be unique
letter_casestringCasing validation for the column (eg. "LETTER_CASE_UPPER", "LETTER_CASE_LOWER", or "LETTER_CASE_TITLE")
min_char_limitintegerMin number of characters
max_char_limitintegerMax number of characters
delimiterstringDelimiter character to be used for separating multi-value fields.
must_existbooleanColumn must be mapped
default_valuestringAutomatically replace empty cells with provided default value
mapping_hintsstring[]Array of sheet column names to automatically map this column to

Sample Usage

Below is an example use case for a number of overrides to a sample template with key crm_test. We are:

  • Replacing the valid picklist values on column segment to ["A", "B"]
  • Updating column phone_number to be both required and unique
  • Updating the description and label of column metadata
const importer = oneSchemaImporter({
  clientId: "CLIENT_ID",
  userJwt: "USER_JWT",
  templateKey: "crm_test",
  templateOverrides: {
    columns: [
        key: "segment",
        validation_options: {
          values: ["A", "B"],
        key: "phone_number",
        is_required: true,
        is_unique: true,
        key: "metadata",
        label: "Customer Info",
        description: "Provide any additional metadata about the customer as freeform text."

Customization Overrides

When to override

  • Updating branding options for specific customers.

If you are using our SDK to initialize your importer, pass in customizationOverrides as part of the OneSchemaLaunchParams.

If you are using the API, pass in customization_overrides to the Create an Embedded Session endpoint.

A comprehensive list of all customization options can be found on the Customizations page.

Sample Usage

Below is an example of how to pass in customizationOverrides to the base JavaScript SDK. These options will:

  • Update the primaryColor to be "#FF0000"
  • Show the informational sidebar on upload pane
  • Change the import experience to be "ignoreErrors"
const importer = oneSchemaImporter({
  clientId: "CLIENT_NAME",
  userJwt: "USER_JWT",
  templateKey: "crm_test",
  customizationOverrides: {
   primaryColor: "#FF0000",
   uploaderShowSidebar: true,
   importErrorUX: "ignoreErrors"