Using Per-Customer Template Overrides

Template Overrides

When to override

Adjusting template column behavior on a per-customer basis (eg. picklist options).

If you are using our SDK to initialize your importer, pass in templateOverrides as part of the OneSchemaLaunchParams.

If you are using the API, pass in template_overrides to the create embedded session endpoint.

The format for templateOverrides is OneSchemaTemplateOverrides documented below. You can also find the TypeScript types here.


columns_to_addOneSchemaTemplateColumnToAdd[]Array of columns to add to the template.
columns_to_updateOneSchemaTemplateColumnToUpdate[]Array of columns to update in the template. OneSchema identifies columns via the key and replaces the properties of the column with those provided in the template overrides.
columns_to_removeOneSchemaTemplateColumnToRemove[]Array of columns to remove from the template.
validation_hooks_to_addOneSchemaValidationHooksToAdd[]Array of validation hook to add to the template.


keystringtrueUnique key identifier for a given template column
labelstringtrueDisplay label of the template column for end users
data_typestringData type for the template column (eg. "PICKLIST" or "NUMBER")
validation_optionsObjectAdditional validation properties on top of specific data types (full list below)
descriptionstringDescription displayed to end user
is_custombooleanWhether the template column should act as a Custom Column
is_requiredbooleanCells in this column cannot have blank values.
is_uniquebooleanAll values in the column must be unique
is_lockedbooleanUsers will not be able to edit data mapped to this column on the Review & finalize step.
letter_casestringCasing validation for the column (eg. "LETTER_CASE_UPPER", "LETTER_CASE_LOWER", or "LETTER_CASE_TITLE")
min_char_limitintegerMin number of characters
max_char_limitintegerMax number of characters
delimiterstringDelimiter character to be used for separating multi-value fields.
must_existbooleanColumn must be mapped
default_valuestringAutomatically replace empty cells with provided default value
mapping_hintsstring[]Array of sheet column names to automatically map this column to


keystringtrueUnique key identifier for a given template column
labelstringDisplay label of the template column for end users
data_typestringData type for the template column (eg. "PICKLIST" or "NUMBER")
validation_optionsObjectAdditional validation properties on top of specific data types (full list below)
descriptionstringDescription displayed to end user
is_custombooleanWhether the template column should act as a Custom Column
is_requiredbooleanCells in this column cannot have blank values.
is_uniquebooleanAll values in the column must be unique
is_lockedbooleanUsers will not be able to edit data mapped to this column on the Review & finalize step.
letter_casestringCasing validation for the column (eg. "LETTER_CASE_UPPER", "LETTER_CASE_LOWER", or "LETTER_CASE_TITLE")
min_char_limitintegerMin number of characters
max_char_limitintegerMax number of characters
delimiterstringDelimiter character to be used for separating multi-value fields.
must_existbooleanColumn must be mapped
default_valuestringAutomatically replace empty cells with provided default value
mapping_hintsstring[]Array of sheet column names to automatically map this column to

Validation Options by Data Type

Data TypeValidation OptionsDescription
ALPHABETICALallow_spaces?: boolean
allow_special?: boolean
Optional. Controls whether spaces and special characters are allowed
BOOLEANtrue_label: string
false_label: string
Required. Labels for true and false values
CUSTOM_REGEXregex: string
error_message: string
Required. Custom regex pattern and error message
input_date_order?: "dmy" | "mdy" | "ymd"Optional. Specifies the order of date components for ambiguous dates
ENUM_COUNTRYformat: "name" | "code2" | "code3"Optional. Format for country values. Defaults to "name"
ENUM_US_STATE_TERRITORYformat: "name" | "code"
variant_set_mods?: ["include_dc"] | ["include_territories"] | ["include_dc", "include_territories"]
Optional. Format for US state/territory values. Defaults to format:"name"
FILE_NAMEextensions: string[]Optional. List of allowed file extensions
MONEYcurrency_symbol: "dollar" | "euro" | "pound" | "yen"Optional. Currency symbol to use. Defaults to "dollar"
NUMBERmax_num?: number
min_num?: number
only_int?: boolean
allow_thousand_separators?: boolean
num_decimals?: number
Optional. Numeric constraints
PICKLISTpicklist_options: Array<{ value: string, color?: string }>Required. List of valid options with optional colors

The following data types do not support validation options:

  • EAN
  • IMEI
  • JSON
  • TEXT
  • UPC_A
  • URL
  • UUID


keystringtrueUnique key identifier for a given template column


namestringtrueName of the validation hook.
urlstringtrueThe URL where the validation hook will be called. Environment variables can be used when setting the url.
column_keysstring[]Columns to be sent in the validation hook.
custom_column_keysstring[]Custom columns to be sent in the validation hook
hook_typestringOne of row or column. See Validation Webhook for more details. Defaults to row if not provided.
secret_keystringIf a secret key is provided, the secret key will be used as the basic auth password.
batch_sizeintegerBatch size for row hooks. Defaults to 1000 if not provided.

Sample Usage

Below is an example use case for a number of overrides to a sample template with key crm_test. The following actions are taken:

  • Create a new column account_executive which is marked as required.
  • Replace the valid picklist values on column segment with ["A", "B"]
  • Update column phone_number to be both required and unique
  • Update the description and label of column metadata
  • Remove the column lead_source
const importer = oneSchemaImporter({
  clientId: "CLIENT_ID",
  userJwt: "USER_JWT",
  templateKey: "crm_test",
  templateOverrides: {
    columns_to_add: [
        key: "account_executive",
        label: "Account Executive",
        data_type: "TEXT",
        is_required: true
    columns_to_update: [
        key: "segment",
        validation_options: {
          values: ["A", "B"]
        key: "phone_number",
        is_required: true,
        is_unique: true,
        key: "metadata",
        label: "Customer Info",
        description: "Provide any additional metadata about the customer as freeform text."
    columns_to_remove: [
        key: "lead_source",
    validation_hooks_to_add: [
        name: "Phone number validator",
        url: "{{base_url}}/oneschema-webhooks/phone-number-validator",
        column_keys: ["phone_number"]

Picklist Overrides

Picklist overrides are a subset of templateOverrides. For picklist columns, you must configure the options via validation_options. If you only want to update the values themselves, you can pass in values as an array of strings. OneSchema will automatically assign colors to your options in reverse rainbow order (from purple to red).

validation_options: {
  values: ["Seedling","Still growing", "Fully grown"]

However, if you would like to specify the color, description, and/or alternative picklist names, you should instead pass in picklist_options. This should be an array of OneSchemaPicklistOption objects


valuestringValue of the picklist option
colorstringColor of the option, either one of the OneSchemaPicklistColors or a 6-digit hex code
descriptionstringDescription of the picklist option to be displayed in option dropdowns.
alternative_namesstring[]List of alternative names for the specific picklsit option. If uploaded values match any of the alternative names, the picklist option will be matched automatically.

Picklist Color Overrides

Colors should either be one of the OneSchemaPicklistColors or, you can simply pass in a hex code (eg. #FF00AA).


Token NameHex code
ColorSelectorPurple100# 722ED1
ColorSelectorBluePurple100# 2F7AEB
ColorSelectorBlue100# 40A9FF
ColorSelectorGreenBlue100# 33C18E
ColorSelectorGreen100# 52C41A
ColorSelectorYellow100# EFC600
ColorSelectorOrange100# EF8F00
ColorSelectorRed100# F5222D
ColorSelectorPink100# EB2F96
ColorSelectorGray100# 595959

Picklist Descriptions

If you would like to provide additional information to your customers, you can specify string descriptions which will be displayed below each option.

Sample Usage

const importer = oneSchemaImporter({
  clientId: "CLIENT_ID",
  userJwt: "USER_JWT",
  templateKey: "products",
  templateOverrides: {
    columns_to_update: [
        key: "size",
        validation_options: {
         picklist_options: [
             value: "Seedling", 
             color: "ColorSelectorPurple100",
             alternative_names: ["Sprout"],
             description: "A seedling is any young plant that has not yet been transported. Also known as a sprout."
             value:"Still growing", 
             value:"Fully grown",