Using Pre-Built Validations
No-code data validations
See below for details on all no-code data validations supported by OneSchema which can be used when configuring a template.
Validation | Function | Autofix | Error code |
Alphabetical | Only allow alphabetical characters, spaces, and special characters (i.e. ñ and ü) | N/A | 37 |
Boolean | One of two pre-determined options. i.e. "Yes" and "No"; "True" and "False"; "0" and "1". | Adjusts letter casing to match predefined boolean values. | 55 |
Country | Countries, dependent territories, and other. | Auto-transforms between two-digit codes, three-digit codes, and full country names (i.e. US, USA, United States of America). | 51 |
Currency Code | ISO codes for different currencies. | N/A | 6 |
Custom Regex | Supply a custom regex to validate values. | N/A | 36 |
Date DD/MM/YYYY | Dates in DD/MM/YYYY format separated by slashes which require leading zeros. | See dates table below. | 25 |
Date DD/MMM/YY | Dates in DD/MMM/YY separated by slashes which require leading zeros. | See dates table below. | 35 |
Date ISO | Dates in format YYYY-MM-DD (leading zeros). | See dates table below. | 29 |
Date MM/DD/YYYY | Dates in MM/DD/YYYY format separated by slashes which require leading zeros. | See dates table below. | 3 |
Date YYYY/MM/DD | Dates in YYYY/MM/DD format separated by slashes which require leading zeros. | See dates table below. | 34 |
Datetime ISO | Dates in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:NNTz (timezone). | See datetimes table below. | 30 |
Datetime MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM | Date with time in format MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm. | See datetimes table below. | 45 |
Domain | Values must be valid website domains without a scheme or path. | N/A | 10 |
Values must be an email. | N/A | 13 | |
File Name | List of acceptable file name extensions (eg. .doc or .pdf). | N/A | 48 |
IANA Time Zone | IANA time zone in the format Country/City (eg. America/New_York) | N/A | 33 |
JSON Object | Value must be a valid json object | N/A | 53 |
Money | Amount of Money starting with dollar sign (ie. $123.45) | Adds '$' to numbers with up to two decimal places. Adds trailing zero(s) until two decimal digits exist. | 31 |
Number | Numeric values: options for integer only, specific number of decimal places, use of thousands separators, and enforcing a range. | Removes leading # and $ , adds leading and trailing zeros as required, converts accounting notation to negative numbers i.e. (12) to -12. | 2 |
Percentage | Numeric values that end with a percentage sign (%). | Adds '%' to numbers. Adds '0' before decimal place is the number is <1. | 40 |
Phone Number | International e164 format (eg. +14087771288) between 2 and 15 digits. | Adds a leading '+' if one is not present. Removes the following characters: . , / ( ) " " (space). | 7 |
Picklist | Values from a set list of defined options. <40k entries per picklist for performance. | N/A | 1 |
SSN (masked) | SSN with only the last 4 digits (eg. XXX-XX-6789). | Will add '-' and mask the first 5 digits of a 9-digit number so the output matches the format XXX-XX-6789. | 42 |
SSN (unmasked) | SSN with all 9 digits (eg. 123-45-6789). | Will add '-' to a 9-digit number so the output matches the format 123-45-6789. | 43 |
Text | Allow any input. | N/A | N/A |
Time HH:MM | Military 24hr time in format HH:mm (eg. 22:30). | N/A | 26 |
Unit of Measurement | ISO codes used for units of measure for intl. trade. | N/A | 5 |
Unix Timestamp | Number of seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970). | N/A | 46 |
URL | Values must be valid urls. | N/A | 8 |
US Phone Number (ext) | US phone format with optional extension. The extension may be separated from the phone number with the following chars/strings: x, X, #, ext, etx. | Removes US country codes in the following formats: +1, 1-, 1 , 1. | 44 |
US State or Territory | US states or territories. | Transforms between two-digit codes and full state names. | 50 |
US Zip Code | US Zip code for location columns. Both 5 and 9 digit codes are accepted. | N/A | 23 |
UUID | An id of the form 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000. | N/A | 52 |
The following table contains the date formats OneSchema can identify and transform into the desired format.
Date format | Example |
MM-DD-YY | 01-15-90 |
M-DD-YY | 1-15-90 |
DD-MM-YY | 15-01-90 |
DD-M-YY | 15-1-90 |
MM/DD/YY | 01/15/90 |
M/DD/YY | 1/15/90 |
MMM-DD-YY | Jan-15-90 |
Month-DD-YY | January-15-90 |
DD-MMM-YY | 15-Jan-90 |
YYYY-MM-DD | 1990-01-15 |
YYYY-M-DD | 1990-1-15 |
MM-DD-YYYY | 01-15-1990 |
M-DD-YYYY | 1-15-1990 |
MM/DD/YYYY | 01/15/1990 |
M/DD/YYYY | 1/15/1990 |
DD/MM/YYYY | 15/01/1990 |
DD/M/YYYY | 15/1/1990 |
YYYY/MM/DD | 1990/01/15 |
YYYY/M/DD | 1990/1/15 |
DD.MM.YYYY | 15.01.1990 |
DD.M.YYYY | 15.1.1990 |
YYYY.MM.DD | 1990.01.15 |
YYYY.M.DD | 1990.1.15 |
Month DD, YYYY | January 15, 1990 |
MMM. DD, YYYY | Jan. 15, 1990 |
DD MMM. YYYY | 15 Jan. 1990 |
DD. MMM. YYYY | 15. Jan. 1990 |
ddd, MMM DD, YYYY | Mon, Jan 15, 1990 |
The following table contains the datetime formats OneSchema can identify and transform into the desired format.
Datetime format | Example |
Unix timestamp | 1670874565 |
ddd MMM DD HH:mm:ss YYYY | Wed Jan 15 00:34:60 1990 |
MM-DD-YY HH:mm | 01-15-90 10:10 |
MM/DD/YY HH:mm | 01/15/90 10:10 |
MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm | 01/15/1990 10:10 |
YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm | 1990/01/15 10:10 |
MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm | 01/15/1990 10:10 |
MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm | 01-15-1990 10:10 |
YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm | 1990-01-15 10:10 |
MM/DD/YY HH:mm:ss xm | 01/15/90 10:10:10 am |
ISO 8601 | 1990-01-15T00:34:60.026490+09:30 |
ISO 8601 without timezone offset | 1990-01-15T00:34:60.026490 |
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm+offset | 1990-01-15T10:10+9:30 |
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm | 1990-01-15T10:10Z |
MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm xm | 01/15/1990 10:10 pm |
DD.MM.YY HH:mm | 15.01.90 10:10 |
DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm | 15.01.1990 10:10 |
DD-MM-YY HH:mm | 15-01-90 10:10 |
DD/MM/YY HH:mm | 15/01/90 10:10 |
DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm | 15-01-1990 10:10 |
DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm xm | 15-01-1990 10:10 am |
Updated 9 months ago