Using Branding Suite

OneSchema supports custom branding and configuration can be completed in the Customizations section of your Admin Dashboard. The Customizations feature is included with OneSchema Pro tier and above.


Primary colorHover state in select drop downs, selected rows, loading icons
Background colorThe color of the background of each pane, includes the background of spreadsheet cells
Secondary background colorThe color of the background for secondary features, includes column names and row numbers of the spreadsheet
Header colorThe color of the header
Footer colorThe color of the footer
Border colorThe color of the lines that border features
Success state colorThe color of certain UI elements like success check marks
Warning state colorThe color of spreadsheet cells with warnings before opacity is added, also used for warning icons
Error state colorThe color of spreadsheet cells with errors before opacity is added, also used for error icons


Button border radiusThe amount of curvature the button corners have
Primary button fill colorThe color of the primary buttons (like "Import" or "Next")
Primary button stroke colorBorder color for the main buttons
Primary button text colorText color on the primary button
Secondary button fill colorThe color of the secondary buttons (like "Previous")
Secondary button stroke colorBorder color for the secondary buttons
Secondary button text colorText color on the secondary button
Tertiary button fill colorThe color of the tertiary buttons (like "Find and replace" and "Export")
Tertiary button stroke colorBorder color for the tertiary buttons
Tertiary button text colorText color on the tertiary buttons


Custom font URLURL for the font, font family must also be provided
Font familyName of the font family, custom font URL must also be provided; comma-separated fallback families can be provided (i.e. Sans serif, Aerial would set a default font of Sans serif with a fallback of Aerial)
Primary font colorColor for the primary font (like spreadsheet cells, column names)
Secondary font colorColor for the secondary font (like sample data, titles, error descriptions)
Placeholder font colorColor for the placeholder font (like unmapped columns and "Fix formatting errors" buttons)


The image used on the Upload a file panel can be customized. Upload a 800x800 pixel png to replace the basic illustration.